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Newhaven East Pier Repairs
Constructex were asked to undertake structural repairs to an existing concrete jetty following a vessel collision incident. The repairs involved the replacement of steel reinforcement with coring into existing concrete elements to achieve satisfactory anchorage lengths. A temporary works system was developed in-house to support the structure during the hydro demolition activity.
Hydrodemolition of the concrete allowed clean removal of existing elements whilst retaining original reinforcing bars. Reinforcement was bonded or lapped where this was found to be in good condition and replaced elsewhere. A precast concrete capping beam was designed and installed by Constructex to encapsulate the degraded tops of existing concrete sheet piles.
A performance mix design was specified by the designer which Constructex poured in multiple phases working around the tidal constraints. Formwork was erected insitu within the tidal zone. Prior cleaning of the new and existing reinforcement along with treatment ensured a high quality bond between the reinforcement and new concrete. The new concrete elements were chamfered and finished giving a nice aesthetic finish.
As built records were recorded in the form of updated drawings and provided to the Principal Designer for inclusion within the H&S file.