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Banff Slipway
Constructex completed the construction of a new slipway in Banff Harbour on behalf of Aberdeenshire Council.
The 90 metre long by 4.5 metre wide slipway now allows boat owners to launch and recover vessels in the outer basin at all states of tide with the toe level down to 1.10m above Chart Datum.
Our engineers undertook the detailed structural design from the client's concept drawings. The design was carefully considered with respect to buildability. Precast concrete edge beams were anchored to the bedrock using stainless steel bars, and the edge beams were designed to transfer structural loads and act as permanent shuttering for an in situ reinforced concrete deck pour. A scour haunch was incorporated on to the Northern edge of the slipway to protect against wave action under storm conditions. The slipway was designed with two main pitches at around 3 and 7 degrees to suit the underlying rock conditions.
Construction was completed over summer 2019, by Contractor James A. Forbes. In situ concrete was provided by Lovie and precast by Solway Precast Products. The concrete was designed for marine conditions, with Sika UCS anti washout admix incorporated in to the mix, and CEM II B/V cement used.
The slipway gives the harbour a significant increase in capability, and will be a lasting addition to the historic works of John Smeaton and Thomas Telford.